HomePhilosophyDr RobertsExplain Temperament according to Dr Roberts?

Explain Temperament according to Dr Roberts?

In homeopathic practice, understanding a patient’s temperament plays a significant role in case taking and prescribing the correct remedy. Dr. Roberts emphasizes the importance of temperaments and their influence on health and disease manifestation. Here’s a detailed exploration based on his insights:

Definition and Importance of Temperaments

The term “temperament” originates from the Latin word “temperare,” meaning to temper or moderate. Temperaments are inherent physiological and psychological traits that influence how an individual reacts to their environment and to disease.


The unique psycho-physical traits of an individual, which influence their metabolism, thought processes, and behaviors, are referred to as their temperament.


The psycho-physical personality peculiar to an individual, influencing his metabolic process, manner of thought, and action can be termed as the temperament of that particular person. 

In homeopathy, four classical temperaments are commonly referenced:

  1. Nervous
  2. Bilious
  3. Sanguine
  4. Phlegmatic

Each person may exhibit a combination of these temperaments, with one often being more dominant. These temperaments are crucial in understanding a patient’s natural predispositions and how they may react to certain diseases or treatments.

Characteristics of the Four Classical Temperaments

  1. Nervous Temperament:
  • Physiological Traits: Quick reaction times, heightened sensitivity.
  • Psychological Traits: High-strung, easily excitable.
  • Health Tendencies: Prone to nervous disorders and conditions that affect the nervous system.
  1. Bilious Temperament:
  • Physiological Traits: Tendency towards liver issues.
  • Psychological Traits: Often irritable, prone to anger.
  • Health Tendencies: Digestive problems, liver dysfunctions.
  1. Sanguine Temperament:
  • Physiological Traits: Generally robust and healthy circulation.
  • Psychological Traits: Optimistic, sociable.
  • Health Tendencies: Vascular issues, tendency towards fevers and inflammatory conditions.
  1. Phlegmatic Temperament:
  • Physiological Traits: Sluggish metabolism, tendency to retain fluids.
  • Psychological Traits: Calm, slow to react.
  • Health Tendencies: Venous stasis, respiratory issues, and sluggish elimination.

Influence of Temperament on Homeopathic Prescribing

  1. Physiological and Psychological Factors:
  • Temperaments encompass more than just physical build; they include coloring, functional tendencies (circulation, elimination, respiration), and mental/emotional reactions to the environment.
  1. Homeopathic Perspective:
  • Temperament influences how disease manifests and guides remedy selection. For instance, the phlegmatic type shows sluggish reactions and venous stasis, while the nervous type displays quick actions and heightened sensitivity.
  1. Dynamic Phenomenon:
  • Temperament is seen as a fundamental aspect of an individual’s constitution, established at conception and largely unchangeable. However, homeopathic remedies can modify physiological tendencies and prevent adverse developments.

Practical Application in Case Taking

  1. Considering Temperament in Case Analysis:
  • Temperament helps in understanding symptom development and choosing the most appropriate remedy. For example, a phlegmatic individual might respond differently to a disease or remedy compared to a sanguine individual.
  1. Bias in Prescribing:
  • Homeopathic prescriptions are often influenced by the patient’s temperament, as certain temperaments may exhibit specific symptom pictures more prominently. For example, a sluggish reaction in a phlegmatic type or liver issues in a bilious type.
  1. Avoiding Stereotypes:
  • It’s crucial not to rely solely on physical attributes (e.g., assuming all fair-haired, blue-eyed women need Pulsatilla). The totality of symptoms and individual reactions are more important than superficial traits.

Temperament and Homeopathic Provings

  1. Proving Results:
  • Homeopathic provings have shown that different temperaments may exhibit different symptoms when tested with the same remedy. For example, Phosphorus might produce a tubercular syndrome in a narrow-chested individual but vascular symptoms in a rotund person.
  1. Symptomatology Over Type:
  • Remedies like Phosphorus can work across different temperaments if the symptom match is accurate. The key is to focus on the complete symptom picture rather than just physical type or temperament.
  1. Disposition and Modalities:
  • More valuable than physical traits are the patient’s disposition and specific symptoms, including modalities (e.g., better or worse conditions, emotional states). These factors are crucial in finding the simillimum (the most similar remedy).


In homeopathy, understanding and considering temperaments can significantly enhance case taking and remedy selection. However, it is essential to look beyond superficial traits and focus on the totality of symptoms and individual reactions. This holistic approach ensures that the selected remedy aligns with the patient’s unique physiological and psychological makeup, leading to more effective and individualized treatment.



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