Allopathic physicians often proclaim, “remove the cause and remove the disease,” but in practice, they struggle to identify the true cause of illness. Their approach overlooks the dynamic nature of disease, which is not readily discernible through material senses. Tissue changes or organic damage are merely manifestations of the disease, not its root cause. The primary cause of illness lies in the spiritual noxious forces known as miasms, rather than in observable pathology.
Tolle Causum simply means “Removal of the Cause”
Hahnemann laments that if allopaths had recognized the dynamic origin of diseases and identified Psora as the fundamental cause of chronic illnesses, they could have achieved success in treating them. Unfortunately, their failure to acknowledge Psora as the root cause has hindered their ability to cure chronic diseases for centuries.
Pathology, or the study of disease, serves as a proximate cause rather than the ultimate source of illness. Disease arises from various factors, including basic, remote, distal, and proximate causes. A rational physician must address the underlying, dynamic miasmatic cause rather than focusing solely on the observable pathological effects. This distinction underscores the importance of treating the cause of disease rather than its symptoms.